Geek Lounge_TRAILER
1m 0s
“Geek Lounge” is a comedic series that follows a struggling Chicago bar, the outcasts who inhabit it, and their quest for love, liquor, and answers to the world's nerdiest questions.
Vision for the Show :
This show can focus on the friendships between the characters and their attempts at finding love. We will learn more about the characters through flashbacks and friends, family and nemeses visiting the bar. The group will also help the struggling bar with attempts to raising money through various events like cosplay competitions, trivia nights and battle of the bands.
Created by Larry Ziegelman
Directed by Larry Ziegelman
Various Episodes Written by:
Daniel Ennion
Liam Gallogly
Erin Colleen Gordon
Will J. Green
Madelyn Murphy
Lee Russell
Dave Zev Weiner
Larry Ziegelman