Drama High_TEASER
Drama High is a romantic comedy series about a working-class high schooler, who uses her knowledge of Asian dramas to gain a favorable social status at her new elite school. Along the way, she catches the attention of the two richest and most popular boys at school, which causes her to rethink her strategy. Through the main protagonist’s tenacity, the series explores popular Asian drama tropes, AAPI issues, and class conflict–all through the microcosm of high school.
In Drama High, Archer is torn by the ethics behind her choice to capitalize on drama tropes to get ahead. The key questions driving this season are:
● What rules and parameters should there be when tripping drama tropes for personal gain?
● As Archer begins to truly fall for Hideo, can she keep the origins of their love story a secret from him forever?
At the end of the first season, Archer learns the full extent of the damage her manipulations cause the people around her, while Hideo grapples with the idea that his girl essentially mind-controlled him into a relationship.
Can our leads overcome these barriers to love?