After an unfortunate accident, it is revealed that the demon girl Xeria has a tail! Now her friends Melehan and Dee won't shut up about it!
Up Next in Season 1
Imps Gone Wild
Demons, Xeria and Dee discover that imps could go invisible. Xeria hatches a scheme to stuff herself full of candy, but hse will soon learn not to believe what Wizards of the coast publishes on the waifu catalog.
Too Much Honey
If a bear had to choose between man or honey, they would choose honey everytime. Watch the demon girl Xeria huntdown the elusive Winnie The Pooh for his delicious honey. The public domain had never tasted so sweet. Don’t eat too much honey, or you’ll gain weight and get very fat in no time.
Gym Demons
Xeria had endured major weight gain when she discovered the pastry known as croissants. Meanwhile Loretta records herself on Gnomely Fans for all her followers, to get clout. Will she become an icon or will the patriarchy get her down?