Live stream preview
Away from Obsidia, Albion faces turmoil as both Kings Arthur and Mordred have perished at The Battle of Camlann. A Knight of Mordred picks up the pieces of his shattered principality in the hopes of a brighter future. Merlin and Lancelot begin to close in on him.
Up Next in Season 1
Xeria Rides Darkhoof
Melehan Cures The Blind
Dee has a new girlfriend who is very hip with the latest trends. She is a stunning and brave hero of the unheard. Meanwhile Melehan is pulling a Jesus by curing the blind.
Loretta The Climate Activist
Loretta and Dee hatch a plan to make Obsidia greener after her failed attempt to win over the fat acceptance movement by gaining weight. Meanwhile the sea captain has granted the Emperor of Obsidia a painting in his honor. Will the Obsidian Navy hit net zero before the next global climate summit,...