The Drop Mon

The Drop Mon

3 Episodes

A hitman with a heart seeks revenge on girlfriend's ex.

Vision for the show:
The Dropmon will be a long running series that shows a unique story about a black hero/antihero that is a hitman with a heart, conscience mixed with no mercy. Luther Von Shaft AKA The Dropmon is a very complex character that’s not really seen on TV. It’ll be a fun ride for viewers.

Written and Directed by:
Christopher Dandre Williams

Princess Bey
Frank Logan
Christopher Dandre Williams

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The Drop Mon
  • The Missions

    Episode 1

    Luther goes on with his jobs to kill, then gets the next job from employer.

  • Revelation/Refusal

    Episode 2

    Refuses to kill the cousin that was an intended hit.

  • The Comeback

    Episode 3

    Luther regains strength and fights his employers.