The Bench

The Bench

6 Episodes

You never know who will sit next to you on The Bench. Join two moms at their weekly play dates at the park, the hilarious characters they meet, and the shenanigans that ensue.

Sabrina Cofield
Adriane McLean

Jose Anthony - The Home Alone Dad
Sabrina Cofield - Sabrina
Chelsea Crews - The Rule Follower
Ashleigh Johnson - The Party Mom
Tala Marie - The New Mom
Scott McAdam - The Over-Sharer
Adriane McLean - Adriane
Mario Peoples - The Hot Dad
Lily Shipman - Angela

Alberto Traina

WooSah Productions
Sabear Media
Quantum Arc Media
Music from Purple Planet

WooSah Productions

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The Bench
  • It’s 25 Miles Per Hour

    Episode 1

    If you’re going to ‘Mario Cart’ your way through a school zone, make sure that one anal mom doesn’t clock you and then end up on The Bench… because, you know.. “it’s 25 miles per hour”!!!

  • Married Not Blind

    Episode 2

    When a sexy ass dad shows up on The Bench today, just because we married, don’t mean we blind!

  • The Struggle Is Real

    Episode 3

    Finding common ground is fairly easy, especially when it comes to raising kids but “the struggle is real” when a dad who is a little too eager to connect visits The Bench.

  • 37 Hours, 42 Mins, 19 Seconds

    Episode 4

    Our girl has been out of town on a work trip for 37 hours, 42 minutes, and 19..20..21 seconds and this home-alone-dad is barely hanging on.

  • He Consumes His Own Feces

    Episode 5

    Who doesn’t love a new mom: she over-packs, over-reacts, and makes you calculate her kids’ age in months, we’re so glad we’re over that.. but it’s still so fun to watch!

  • I Drank Too Much Tequila

    Episode 6

    The Bench is a no judgement zone.. haha who are we kidding, we definitely judging especially when Party Mom decides to air all her tequila drinking party shenanigans.