That Which Speaketh

That Which Speaketh

6 Episodes

A surrealist sitcom about a family and their obelisk.

Felipe Di Poi
Ian Faria
Sam Lanier
Will Niedmann
Becca Zeiger

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That Which Speaketh
  • Episode 1

    Episode 1

    Fortune Upon Their Family, and An Education (and An Graduation), and Playdates, and Danni: The Girlfriend!

  • Episode 2

    Episode 2

    That Was Her Girlfriend, and She Was Gonna Shoot That, and: A Curse!

  • Episode 3

    Episode 3

    The Cellular Teenager, and A Skull In The Backyard, and 1 More Of Those Stiff Kamikazes, and: Alright, Let's Fix This Thing

  • Episode 4

    Episode 4

    The Important Business Call, and One Hundred Birthdays, and A Prodigal Sister Returns, and Right Hand Red, and Danni: The Girlfriend???

  • Episode 5

    Episode 5

    Woopsie Daisy, and Bad Daddy, and The Green-Faced Meanie, but: Some Helpful Advice!

  • Episode 6

    Episode 6

    Bad Dad's Back, and He's Got Some Nice Words, and It's The Last Episode, and She Was Right Behind The Dresser, and: Mom! and: Who Are You? and: A Walnut!