Sodom & Gomorrah

Sodom & Gomorrah

6 Episodes

SODOM & GOMORRAH is a modern twist on THE ODD COUPLE following two brand-new friends and roommates as they try to hack it in the gay-borhoods of Los Angeles, despite the differing expression of their homosexuality in their day-to-day lives.

Vision for the Show:
While Sam & Geoff remain the anchors of the series, the cast will expand to include others (both gay and straight) in their community (neighbors, co-workers, family, etc). The series would transcend its premise to become a show at its heart about two twentysomethings trying to make it in the big city (modeled on classic sitcoms like THE MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW and PERFECT STRANGERS). The series will always remain a two-hander, a debate between the characters’ personalities, with neither Sam nor Geoff taking dominance.

Series created by Tom Young.
All episodes written by Tom Young and directed by Jonathan Talbert.

Ryan Fisher as “Geoff”
Casey Leach as “Sam”

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Sodom & Gomorrah
  • Call Your Mother

    Episode 1

    Sam coaches Geoff as he calls home sharing the details of his life as a young gay man in Los Angeles in order to convince his mother to upgrade the family’s cell phone plan.

  • Clothes Encounters

    Episode 2

    Sam and Geoff challenge each other to step outside their comfort zones when dressing for a night out.

  • How to Get Away With Hiking

    Episode 3

    Sam challenges Geoff to prove how much he really knows about his upcoming Tinder date, “Mike.”

  • RuPaul Swear Jar

    Episode 4

    Geoff challenges Sam to develop his own sense of humor and quote RuPaul’s Drag Race less often, which turns out to be harder than either of them ever thought.

  • Straight Twilight Zone

    Episode 5

    Sam and Geoff find themselves in the “Twilight Zone” after straight patrons take over their local gay bar.

  • Gay Pride Index

    Episode 6

    Sam attempts to bond with Geoff in his own way, choosing his NCAA Sweet Sixteen bracket by ranking teams using the GPI: the “Gay Pride Index.”