Sin Padre

Sin Padre

1 Episode

A series of fictionalized Tokyo stories based on the lives of Japanese and foreign residents that feel realer than real life.

Vision for the show:
Each episode will not only have its own narrative within the world of Urban Tokyo but also a unique look from the previous and following episode. The mix can be from the lighting style, to the use of different lenses or camera, and even color grading. Examples would be mysterious Noir black and white or color, green or color overlay like the matrix, extra detailed and contrast look like 300, a colorful style like Barbie, and even filter styles of today’s social media.

Creator/Director: Free Rodriguez
Cast: Raimu Kaminashi, Oscar Dominic, Maurice Shelton, Yurie Collins, Ken Takahashi, Fadile Waked, and other actors, models, comedians, and influencers

Sin Padre
  • Tokyo Black - Sin Padre

    Episode 1

    A Brooklyn barber and his clients are at odds with foreign life in Japan and the absence of their own children.