Never Enough: The Struggles of Cice
2 Episodes
An activist documentarian embarks on her most passionate project yet! To document a middle-aged rapper and his idiotic team.
Vision for the Show:
"Never Enough: The Struggles of Cice" evolves into a gripping, multi-season TV series beginning with Season 1, where the narrative arc is anchored by a courtroom trial for the attempted murder of a problematic documentary director (Katherine). As Cice, Neil, and Man are found not guilty, Season 2 dives into their efforts to leverage newfound fame, only to clash with their old adversary, Katherine, who financially backs a rival rapper. Subsequent seasons transition into a procedural format, featuring celebrity cameos and intertwining spin-off characters, creating a rich, interconnected mockumentary universe (See Bent for an example of one of these spin-offs)
Written and Directed by: Cornelius Henke III
Cice - Jamar Garrett
Man - Byron Davis
Neil - Cornelius Henke III
Katherine (Documentary Director) - Debra Gordon
Episode 1
A courtroom Witness takes us into the world of a problematic documentary Director with her sights set on capturing the life and rise of Cice the rapper. The only problem, Cice and his odd ball team are middle-aged
amateurs and the Director is living in a reality of her own. By the end of the epis... -
22:56Episode 2
Never Enough Skits Collection
Episode 2