Dark Side of the Hills
This comedy sketch show in the fictional town of Consuelo Hills explores surreal happenings that intertwine characters within disturbingly dark humor story lines episode through episode.
Vision for the Show:
Ongoing half hour dark comedy series that brings creative new ideas, talent and familiar faces on a journey of absurdity and fresh concepts, with lots of laughter. Stories and characters keep viewers intrigued and excited to see what comes next. Planning to have great guest stars and provide jobs for local cast and crews.
Creator: Joshua Rowe
Written by Joshua Rowe, Brian Barry
Cast: Joshua Rowe
Brian Barry
Whitney Norris
Joel Abongo
Christina Russo
Tom Thournier
Steve Dawson
Dee Thurman
Judith Herman
Tom Cokenias
Alex Acosta
Director: Tyler Thournier, Joshua Rowe. Pilot
Slated if series gets picked up: Andy Lauer, Director
The Dark Side of The Hills - Episode 1
This comedy sketch show in the fictional town of Consuelo Hills explores surreal happenings that intertwine characters within disturbingly dark humor story lines episode through episode.
Vision for the Show:
Ongoing half hour dark comedy series that brings creative new ideas, talent and familiar...