American Baby

American Baby

1 Episode

Ordering your first taco might not be as easy it seems as Kavitha and Balaji discover one Tuesday when they stumble into - and hold up - the lunch line at Emmanuel's – the first of many lessons they learn about their new lives in America.

Vision for the show –
Kavitha and Balaji are newly arrived Indian expats to Florida in the late 1980s. He is a pharmacist and she the pampered daughter of an industrialist. Life in American without servants and a puzzling social order is full of humor.

Creator, director credits
Mohanalakshmi Rajakumar (Creator and director)

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American Baby
  • Taco Tuesday

    Episode 1

    Homesick and looking for an Indian restaurant to cheer up his pregnant wife, Kavitha and Balaji stumble into a love of tacos.