
  • Olive and Mocha

    1 season

    A goody-goody and a bad seed are magnets for mischief in the 80ā€™s.

    Vision for the Show:
    At the heart of the show is a universal childhood friendship. Every season the parents are played by the same actors, but the kids are recast with different actors so in every episode, Olive and Mocha are alw...

  • Momtress
    1 season


    1 season

    A busy suburban mom juggles parenting, an acting career and a recent loss while facing the realities of aging.

    Vision for the Show:
    This series can go very far and deep as we watch Libby Sandler manage family, career and her own ups and downs in life as she takes care of everyone around her whi...

  • The Old Nerd Mafia

    1 season

    Four nerds of a Certain Age review & discuss Pop Culture topics of today & yesterday!

    To have fun, and sometimes serious, discussions about Pop Culture topics of today, and explore how it is influenced by yesterday. To bring a positive POV to the review and commentary of ...

  • Millie & Maddie

    1 season

    Millie grew up in the foster care system, Maddie grew up in a strict military family;
    The two find each other and are turning a new page of adulthood in LA.

    Vision for the show:
    Millie & Maddie is a show like Broad City meets Gilmore Girls meets Pen15. The story, at its core, is about being a y...

  • Driftwood
    1 season


    1 season

    An alien expert wants to catch an alien!

    Vision for the Show:
    We expand the world of Paula Crow to include aliens and more characters and follow the Lizard people trying to take over the world and increase global warming, as well as follow Paula raising a baby alien as her own child.


  • Inner Worlds

    2 seasons

    When a group of players embark on a D&D adventure together, they discover more about themselves and the challenges that face them in their own lives.

    Vision for the Show:
    Inner Worlds has a similar energy to shows like The Guild. Its characters are quirky and fun, but have a great deal of depth,...

  • The Fae


    The series follows Mark, a gay millennial who possesses all the trappings coveted by mainstream gay culture ā€“ the cute fiancĆ©, the supportive parents, the condo in Hellā€™s Kitchen, the cushy marketing job ā€“ but when he intervenes in an otherworldly street fight, he learns about the magically queer...

  • Oopsā€¦ I Married A Gay Man

    1 season

    Megan is a mess of a woman who loves love a little too much.

    Vision for the Show:
    My vision for show, if made into a full-length show is: getting the chance to explore the friendship between Megan and Conner, showing our audience that friendship is just as important as love. Add a cheesy romanti...

  • The Bench
    1 season

    The Bench

    1 season

    You never know who will sit next to you on The Bench. Join two moms at their weekly play dates at the park, the hilarious characters they meet, and the shenanigans that ensue.

    Vision for the show:
    The Bench is a short form skit web series that uses comedy to bring real life situations about p...

  • Bermuda


    Upon a new found adulthood on the evening of her 25th birthday, a naive but determined Nigerian-American woman pursues a great escape, as a means to attain the self-liberation and sexual freedom she so desperately craves.

    Vision for the Show:
    The ultimate goal for this project is to pitch the pr...

  • Bored As Hell

    1 season

    His Darkness retires Hell and begins a call-in show on Earth, Satan Station, where viewer calls kick off journeys of 21st century topics and discovery.

    Vision for the Show:
    Our vision is to create a show that satires 21st century topics and morals. Bored as Hell is silly, crass, and even outrig...

  • Where Is The Love?


    Welcome to adulthood, where itā€™s hard to find love.

    Where Is The love, is based off of the creator Tisa Keyā€™s dating history throughout her life. It follows the main character Tisa as she navigates dating through adulthood while dealing with the ups and downs of everyday li...

  • The Super
    1 season

    The Super

    1 season

    In a hilarious urban battleground, a chillaxed landlord finds his rent-controlled building under siege by the hipster gentrification army! To save it he risks losing the affection of the one person who truly makes his heart skip a beat. Can he stop the invasion, or will his laid-back world get ev...

  • 13th Fleur

    1 season

    Comedic sketch show.

    Vision for the show:
    We intend to insert our sketches into a frame script that follows a drag queen alien protagonist, Bodlinga. The audience gets to experience Bodlingaā€™s main source of human culture, the 13th Fleur channel, the only channel available in her motel room. T...

  • Soccer & Beer


    As a former player, coach and agent, Duncan Oughton knows a thing or two about soccer. Now with a local pint in hand heā€™ll discover how much the sport still has to teach him as he is thrown into footie cultures around the globe.

    Vision for the show:
    An inspired mix of a soccer-themed Top Gear an...

  • Neal And Jon Make Things Happen


    Neal and Jon are lifelong friends. Neal is a whiskey drinking, hard partying, motorcycle riding vintage jewelry store owner with a gambling problem. Jon is a smart, calm and dependable CPA. Nealā€™s gambling is out of control. He would pay off his debts with the jewelry in his store except half of ...

  • Prank of America


    Steve and Ben have "come into" some seed money to start a company, but their only talent is pranking people, so they make it their business.

    Vision for the show:
    The audience will experience these funny pranks as they happen, and see all the behind the scenes that makes the pranks ā€œtickā€. Furthe...

  • Bun In The Oven

    1 season

    A woman in corporate America faces another challenge in her career, as she deals with an unexpected pregnancy by a younger man with a low-paying job.

    Vision For The Show:
    The series is inspired by todayā€™s politics and social commentary. With it being hard enough to raise a child with two parent...

  • Money


    "Money" is about Aziz who connects his life with the criminal world and uses his athletic skills to collect debts. But everything changes after meeting Asel. He decides to break with his dark past and begins to help people who have made financial mistakes.

  • The Duppy Man's Walk


    Failing to pay proper respects to a local superstition, two young men find themselves entangled in a century-old ghost story.

    Vision for the Show:
    Episodic limited series for streaming or networks.


    Writer/Director: Gregory Foxx Jr.
    Producers: Torrey Rogers, Tandy Kind and Gregory Foxx ...

  • Back of House


    A never-before-seen look at the everyday antics that go on ā€˜Back of Houseā€™ at your local bar with all the weird and wild characters included.

    Vision for the Show:
    ā€˜Back of Houseā€™ differs from other concepts because it stems from a never-ending source of content with the ability to build a cult ...

  • 4.5 Stars
    1 season

    4.5 Stars

    1 season

    Archie has been dumped, kicked out of his apartment, and is now living out of the laundry room in his friendā€™s Airbnb, with every guest comes a new adventure. Lifeā€™s not perfect, but Iā€™d give it 4.5 Stars.

    Vision for the Show:
    We based it off a true story, where Archie was living for free in la...

  • Refresh


    Set in a multiversal world, Refresh sends out their agents to fix failing relationships.

    Vision for the Show:
    I see this pilot/web series scaling into a three season tv series. I have written out the first season with season two and three already in mind. If push comes to shove, I have enough ma...

  • Geek Lounge

    1 season

    In the nerdy haven of 'Byte Me Up, Scotty,' a Chicago bar where geeks rule the joystick, a charismatic jock attempts to infiltrate the pixelated camaraderie, but little does he know, winning over this squad requires more than just a high score ā€“ it's a quest for acceptance in the ultimate dungeon...